eCommerce Articles (43)

Articles on ecommerce technology, digital retail, order management and the online marketplace industry

The software required to run an ecommerce business

An ecommerce business requires multiple pieces of software to operate. Retailers must assemble a collection of software packages and services to create an effective ecommerce capability. This article describes the most common software types. The following software packages and services are required to deliver ecommerce:…

By M Ryan

The different types of ecommerce - B2C, B2B and more

According to Websters, ecommerce is simply the conduct of "commerce on the Internet". The Britannica encyclopaedia explains ecommerce as "maintaining relationships and conducting business transactions that include selling information, services, and goods by means of computer telecommunications networks". eCommerce accounted for 16.1% of all retail…

By M Ryan

How much does a Magento ecommerce store cost to run?

Magento v2 is software used to build and operate ecommerce stores. It is provided in three versions: To illustrate how to calculate the cost of running a Magento ecommerce store, this article describes sites at two levels of revenue, $100,000 and $5,000,000 per year. For…

By M Ryan

What exactly does Shopify do?

Shopify is a software product, sold as a monthly subscription by a public Canadian company of the same name, that enables its customers to create and operate ecommerce stores. Its more than 820,000 customers pay a subscription to Shopify which enables them to login through…

By M Ryan

Faceted Search - the complete guide

Faceted search (or faceted navigation) is a mechanism where website visitors narrow a list of search results by selecting the features of the results they are interested in. In an ecommerce website, faceted search options are shown on the search results page or while browsing…

By M Ryan

Typeahead search for ecommerce

Typeahead search, or search autocomplete, is a feature of a website search bar that is activated when a website visitor starts typing their search term. The website offers suggested matches even before the search phrase has been completed. As the visitor types more of their…

By M Ryan

Selling on ecommerce marketplaces

Every ecommerce business needs to consider carefully whether or not they will sell their products on a marketplace. A marketplace is a website with high traffic, operated by a third party, which allows you to list your products for sale on that website, offer them…

By M Ryan

C2B2C explained

C2B2C, an acronym for Consumer to Business to Consumer, is a business model in which a business purchases products from consumers and resells them to other consumers. An example of this is electronics recycling or resale, where the C2B2C business buys used cellphones from consumers,…

By M Ryan