Full On eCommerce

Full On eCommerce is the home of ecommerce and digital retail technology articles and news, written by a long-standing ecommerce and retail industry consultant.

M Ryan

Typeahead search for ecommerce

Typeahead search, or search autocomplete, is a feature of a website search bar that is activated when a website visitor starts typing their search term. The website offers suggested matches even before the search phrase has been completed. As the visitor types more of their…

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M Ryan

Selling on ecommerce marketplaces

Every ecommerce business needs to consider carefully whether or not they will sell their products on a marketplace. A marketplace is a website with high traffic, operated by a third party, which allows you to list your products for sale on that website, offer them…

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M Ryan

The advantages and disadvantages of B2C eCommerce

The advantages of starting a business-to-consumer (B2C) ecommerce business are minimal barriers to entry, large potential market giving long-term potential to grow, simplicity of operating the business, ability to diversify into other areas to grow revenue and margins. Disadvantages include the intense competition, the cost…

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